How To Realise Your Self Worth

How To Realise Your Self Worth

Are you not having a good day? We all falter sometimes. All it takes is a little unasked-for criticism or someone just treating us harshly to trigger us into a spiral of negative self-talk and anxiety How To Realise Your Self Worth about not being liked.

When you need to remind yourself of your worth fast, it’s good to have some ideas in mind. Try these quick tips for getting yourself back on track even when life seems out of control.

Go into a Judgement-Free Zone

OK, so your thoughts aren’t what you wish they would be. You know you’re in a depressing cycle. Your emotions are all over the place, and you’re starting to hit critical mass when it comes to criticism. You already know you’re not supposed to be reacting this way. So to make your awful day a little bit worse, you start beating yourself up for how you’re how to realise your self-worth in a relationship treating yourself. This is entirely the wrong approach. Your first step must be to stop the negative spiral. Firstly becoming aware of the negative self talk and thought is the very first step. Once you become aware of them you are in a position to do something about them. Drop the judgment. Accept you’re having a bad day. This moment doesn’t have to define you. With these thoughts firmly in mind, it’s time to let things go.

Drop the ‘Should’

Why are you caught up thinking about ‘should’ anyway? The moment you start using this particularly devilish little word, you’re telling yourself what a failure you are. You have become caught up in a vortex of perfectionism; you can’t possibly escape. ‘Should’ never helps anybody. Erase it from your vocabulary. You can chose to do something, or not to do it. Should is a wishy washy word that really doesn’t help anyone.

Stop Looking for Validation

Anytime you think someone else can give you what you need to feel good about yourself, you’re going to be disappointed. People will let you down. Even in the best relationship, it’s not healthy to use someone else to define who you are. This kind of thinking can be dangerous. What if the person you relied upon was no longer in your life? How would this then impact your self-worth? You what determines self-worth need to take control of your own thoughts and actions. If you feel bad, do something that makes you feel good. You are a very powerful person and you should never give your power away to anyone. Know your own value and stop putting up with things in your life that you don’t like, or make you feel bad.

Come to Terms with the Past

It’s time to separate your actions from yourself. When you make a mistake, acknowledge the error and move on. To get caught into shame or guilt only hurts you in the long run. There is nothing to be gained by victimizing yourself. Forgive yourself and move on. Everyone makes mistakes, that is not the problem. The problem, is if you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Make a mistake, learn from it and move on. Making mistakes does not make you weak. In fact there is a saying that says ‘Success is on the other side of  mistakes’.

Know Where You Excel

For a super-quick fix to your self-worth, take a moment to list off the things in which you excel. Acknowledge your accomplishments. A close examination of all the things which make you proud how to know your worth as a woman should give you a solid reminder you are indeed worthy. Everyone has something that they do really well in their life. Be proud and look to add more things to expand your horizons.

By paying attention to these five areas, you can quickly restore your self-worth. The key is to be alert and move quickly to head off negative thoughts before they undo all the hard work you’ve already put into yourself.

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