Law of Attraction

How to Discover What You Really Want in Life

How to Discover What You Really Want in Life A lot of people around the world are living their lives with no clue as to what they want. If you are one of those people, don’t worry you’re not alone. Millions of people are wandering through life with no clear direction of where they want […]

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What Is The Process Of Habit Formation

What Is The Process Of Habit Formation The habits of highly successful people allow them to perform behaviours consistently that result in success. Most people believe that they can form a habit in 21 days if they consistently perform a desired behaviour consistently for approximately three weeks. However, this is simply a realistic view on how […]

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How To Develop A Winning Mentality

How To Develop A Winning Mentality Developing a winning mindset is easier than you may think. It will take some effort and you need to be consistent with the tactics revealed in this article. But after a short period of time you will start to see good results and this will motivate you to continue. […]

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How To Create A Vision For Your Life

How To Create A Vision For Your Life If you are unhappy where you are in life, it could be you are not creating the right vision about yourself. Think back to recent thoughts you had. Were they negative thoughts or feelings like you’ve hit a roadblock? Make a plan Shift your focus to a […]

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How To Create Positive Affirmations

How To Create Positive Affirmations Whether you believe it or not, you can attract anything in your life that you give attention to, because like attracts like. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool that can make the opposite happen. By believing in a thought or sentence and repeating it to yourself regularly, you have the […]

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What is the Most Powerful Way to Manifest

What is the Most Powerful Way to Manifest Why Visualization is Not Enough to Manifest Miracles Do you want to know why visualization is not enough to manifest miracles? If so, read on. Helen Keller once said, “Ideas without action are useless.” This is an excellent quote that emphasizes the importance of acting on your […]

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Law of Attraction Do’s and Don’ts

Law of Attraction Do’s and Don’ts You MUST Know! Anyone who’s familiar with the law of attraction knows that the concept is really simple. You just need to visualize in your mind what you truly want and the universe will go out of its way to manifest it for you. Read this article on the […]

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How to Create Your Own Destiny

Figuring out How to create your own destiny may be hard, but completely worth the effort if you truly want to live the life of your dreams. When you have motivation, the drive within you and the vision of what you want to achieve, anything is possible. If you really put your mind and heart […]

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How To Manifest Love With A Specific Person

How To Manifest Love With A Specific Person You may have asked yourself how to manifest love with a specific person? The Law of Attraction can manifest  many things into your life regarding matters of wealth, health, and happiness and many more things.  Part of happiness is having fulfilling relationships.  These are not romantic love […]

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how to make affirmations work

How to Make Affirmations Work

How to Make Affirmations Work We have all heard about affirmations yes? The book and film The Secret which was about the Law of Attraction made a big thing about them. But what are they exactly and what is the best way to make them work? One description of them is that Affirmations are positive statements that can […]

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