Subconscious Mind

How To Create A Vision For Your Life

How To Create A Vision For Your Life If you are unhappy where you are in life, it could be you are not creating the right vision about yourself. Think back to recent thoughts you had. Were they negative thoughts or feelings like you’ve hit a roadblock? Make a plan Shift your focus to a […]

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How To Overcome Inner Conflict

How To Overcome Inner Conflict Is inner conflict holding you back? Want to know how to overcome inner conflict? When we struggle with inner conflict, it is basically a battle between our emotions and thoughts. If a situation doesn’t turn out how we expected, it can release feelings of anger, stress, fear, and frustration. There […]

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How To Create Positive Affirmations

How To Create Positive Affirmations Whether you believe it or not, you can attract anything in your life that you give attention to, because like attracts like. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool that can make the opposite happen. By believing in a thought or sentence and repeating it to yourself regularly, you have the […]

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How Can I Get Mind-Body Connection

How Can I Get Mind-Body Connection? What is Mind Body Connection How Your Body and Mind Are Intimately Linked Through Your Hormones In the book Calm Mind, Healthy Body, it is discussed in detail the importance of having a calm mind and we look at how controlling and calming your thoughts can ultimately improve your […]

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How do Visualization Techniques Work

How do Visualization Techniques Work Here are 5 Visualization Techniques If you want to spend more time in meditation and contemplation, consider practicing visualization to improve your focus and practice. You may have heard about the many benefits of using visualization but also feel confused about how to get started. Read on to find 5 […]

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How To Realise Your Self Worth

How To Realise Your Self Worth Are you not having a good day? We all falter sometimes. All it takes is a little unasked-for criticism or someone just treating us harshly to trigger us into a spiral of negative self-talk and anxiety about not being liked. When you need to remind yourself of your worth […]

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How To Increase Neurogenesis

How To Increase Neurogenesis Brain plasticity, Neurogenesis, also referred to as neuroplasticity, is a term that describes your brain’s ability to change shape and adapt in response to training and learning. Read on to find out how to increase neurogenesis in your own brain. Many of us think of our brains as set and inert – indeed this […]

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How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs

How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs If you have ever wanted to know how to overcome limiting beliefs, then read on. The limiting beliefs that you are told your entire life shape everything that you do. These beliefs tend to be primarily passed down in families, from one generation to the next, but can just as […]

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What is Metacognition?

Have you ever heard of metacognition and want to know what metacognition is? Metacognition simply means thinking about thinking. This simply means being aware of how your thoughts work as well as being aware of what your thoughts are doing at any given time. There are two different areas: metacognitive knowledge (knowledge of your own […]

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5 Easy Subconscious Mind Exercises

5 Easy Subconscious Mind Exercises  Here are 5 easy subconscious mind exercises that one can use daily to reinforce their beliefs and ‘strengthen’ their subconscious mind. When you wish to manifest one of your desires, it’s imperative that you convince your subconscious mind that your goal is within reach. Once the subconscious mind believes your […]

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